【同义词辨析】 2020-04-03 错误error-faux pas

error: suggests the existence of a standard or guide and implies a straying from the right course through failure to make effective use of this: one ~ in planning lost the battle.     (standard标准,英文解释很简单refers to what is used to measure用于衡量测量的东西,中文来自杜甫诗句"示我百篇文,诗家一标准")   guide指导泛指任何向导引导,是170418 领导guide-lead组基础词   (stray偏离群体或正确路线to move in a direction away from the group or where you should be,如two cows strayed into the woods两头牛走偏到树林,如tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas游客常会迷路并误入危险区域,如the discussion strayed from the original topic讨论跑题了,如stray dogs/bullet/hairs走失的狗/流弹/散乱的头发,飞鸟集叫stray birds三三两两的几只小鸟;另外出轨也用这个词,如a stray husband出轨的丈夫)  来自词根ERR偏离to wander, stray,如errant错误aberrant反常erratic不规则的erroneous错误的,如近日新加坡总理夫人在网络上对台湾回了句"Errrr.......",使这个词成了网络热门,因为既可以理解成口语"呃",也可以理解成"你错了"

mistake: implies misconception or inadvertence and usually expresses less criticism than error: dialed the wrong number by ~.   (inadvertent疏忽粗心lack of care,如I inadvertently passed this essay by我由于疏忽把这篇散文忽略过去了,如the government has said it was an inadvertent mistake政府声称那是因疏忽造成的过失, 和广告advertise同源,来自词根VERT=to turn转动,字面意思是转头)   (misconception错误观念,即误解a wrong or mistaken idea理解认识或判断不正确而形成的观念观点,如frequently held misconceptions about the AIDS对艾滋病的常见误解,如it is a misconception that Peggy was fabulously wealthy人们误以为佩吉相当有钱,如let me deal with some common misconceptions我来谈谈一些常见的错误认识)       和error的区别: error强调"违反某一既定标准"而犯错, 很严重很正式,如谚语to err is human人非圣贤孰能无,如计算机出错用error,如上词条台湾的例子;mistake只是由于粗心疏忽误解而犯错, 一般轻微, 如I used your pen by mistake拿了你的钢笔

blunder: regularly imputes stupidity or ignorance as a cause and connotes some degree of blame: a political campaign noted mostly for its series of ~s.  除表示愚蠢地犯大错,如he really blundered when he insulted the boss's wife他侮辱老板的妻子, 真是犯了愚蠢的大错,还表示跌撞、摸黑地走to move clumsily as if unable to see,如without my glasses I blundered into the wrong room我没戴眼镜, 以致闯错了房间,如she blundered into a tree她撞到了一棵树上,如we were blundering around in the darkness我们在黑暗中跌跌撞撞地摸索,还比喻笨手笨脚笨嘴笨舌,如I blundered on in my explanation我笨嘴笨舌地解释下去 impute归咎,来自词根PUT=to think,consider, believe,如compute计算dispute争议repute声誉putative推定的一般认为的

slip: stresses inadvertence or accident and applies especially to trivial but embarrassing mistakes: during the speech I made several ~s.  slip本义是滑动滑倒to slide and lose balance,如the floor was wet and slippery地面又湿又,如I slipped over on the ice我在冰上滑了一跤。短语let slip表示由于不小心而说错话,如Clive had let slip he was married克莱夫无意中说出他已经结婚了,习语the slip of the tongue口误,如did I call you Richard? sorry, Robert, just a slip of the tongue我刚才是不是叫你理查德了?对不起,罗伯特,我是一时口误)

lapse: stresses forgetfulness, weakness, or inattention as a cause: apart from a few grammatical ~s, the paper is good.  weak软弱在这里不是表示没有力量,而是意志不坚强,容易被诱惑       虽然表示小错,但forgetful,weak,inattention的语气比slip强     lapse本义是时间间隔或流逝an interval or passage of time,表示流逝时等于elapse

faux pas: is applied to a mistake in etiquette: committed a grievous ~ by drinking from the finger bowl.   (etiquette礼节礼仪refers to code of polite behavior关于礼貌的行为规范,如diplomatic/professional/palace etiquette外交/行业/宫廷礼节,如a breach of etiquette失礼行为,如what’s the correct etiquette when addressing a judge? 称呼法官时正确的礼节是什么)  这个词来自法语,字面意思是"a false step失足",又如it was not long before I realised the enormity of my faux pas没过多久我就意识到自己有多失态。       极为严重令人痛苦,注意不是griev'i'ous,没有i

error错误(正式): 表示严重偏离正确路线,因为未遵循既有的标准指导,mistake错误失误: 指仅仅是由于误解疏忽,批评的语气比error弱,blunder错误: 表示由于愚蠢无知,还表示指责,slip口误失言说漏嘴: 多表示由于粗心大意,导致的轻微尴尬的失误(如无意中说出自己已婚,就像无意中滑倒),lapse小错失误失足: 强调好忘事软弱专心,faux pas失礼失态: 指礼节礼仪上的错误

记忆方法: 1)首字母EMBSLF想成SELF自我MB蒙蔽<==错误          ""的意思是不正确,从金昔声,金表示金属器皿,"措"表示"用手复原",合起来表示"动手磨擦、涂饰等使金属器皿恢复本色"。引申为"非原来的颜色位置等",有3个意思 1、不正确不对不好,如错误过错不错认错 2、岔开,如错过错车错位错失 3、交叉,如错杂错乱交错盘根错节犬牙交错    "误"有2个意思 1、不正确,如错误误差口误 2、妨害伤害,如误事耽误误人,但在误伤等词中,表示"非故意"伤害。从言吴声,本义表示"为制造娱乐而戏言",说文:"误,谬也"。另外,""是娱乐的娱的本字,表示游戏

        2)错误的意思是偏离真实正确合适的mean a departure from what is true, right, or proper.   depart离开,与分离